Stompers’ Streak Snapped After Loss to Merchants

By Stompers Staff

The Sonoma Stompers returned to Arnold Field after a Monday break, losing 5-1 to the Alameda Merchants. Despite outhitting the Merchants nine to seven, Sonoma was only able to manufacture one run from it. The story of tonight revolved around the lack of timely hits and a struggle to get runners home, despite good contact.

Skipper Zack Pace mentioned that his team hit the ball well but needed to get leadoff hitters on, so those hits could move runners around and in. The one run that Sonoma did score occurred when this happened, where Jack Scheri doubled to begin the seventh. He advanced to third on a passed ball and then Alijah Ramos singled to drive him home. This is an example of Pace’s statement, by getting leadoff hitters on, good things can happen.

On the defensive side of the ball, Jake Tirk got the start, where in four innings he struck out four, allowing only one hit and one run. Walks were the reason for Tirk’s run to cross, yet he handled the jam well, and was able to limit the damage. Four different Stompers pitched the rest of the game, and gave up six hits and four runs. Tirk received the loss on the night.

Scheri was the only run on the night but several Stompers hit well tonight. Tyler Holley went 3 for 4 on the night, improving his average to .261. Jack Lazark continued his hitting prowess with two opposite field singles. Trent Abel also added two hits. As mentioned, Scheri and Ramos also had base knocks.

The Stompers now travel to College of San Mateo where they will face CCL opponent, the Menlo Park Legends. They will look to turn it around before another five matchups with CCL foes, starting with the Legends. First pitch is set for 5:00 so make sure to tune in to our radio broadcast, which will be up on our Mixlr: